
Portfolio Diagnostic

Investment Portfolio Diagnostic at Verum

Where does your investment portfolio stand today? That’s what we seek to answer with our portfolio diagnostics. We conduct a deep dive into your portfolio to better understand the risks and potential embedded within. The analysis is designed to help you visualize risk by showing how much your portfolio might have declined in previous stock market downturns. We also explore the current composition of your portfolio, looking at its mix of stocks across various sectors, sizes, factors, and geographic locations. This portfolio diagnostic is an important first step as we work with you to design the right investment portfolio for you and your goals.

The Observatory

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Protected: Changing Wealth Management Landscape

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Tax Planning vs. Tax Compliance

Understanding tax planning vs. tax compliance can make a significant difference in your financial strategy.
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Tax Landscape Ahead

Big tax changes are on the horizon as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is…
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We are a sophisticated yet approachable, fee-only wealth management firm that caters to individuals and families through a team-based, ensemble service model. Employee-owned, Verum seeks to improve the lives of others by raising the bar on the wealth management industry.