
Getting Organized

Getting Organized

One member of a couple or family is often the sole person managing finances. That is an overwhelming weight to hold alone. We help relieve that burden by getting families on the same page while consolidating information so that we can provide holistic financial advice. The sheer volume of financial accounts and details is a lot to keep track of. We aggregate financial data over time and fill in gaps as we discover them. You will be able to see your whole financial life in one place with our client portal, and store copies of documents in the electronic vault. We will continue to help you stay organized well beyond this initial step, because when we pull together a family’s complete picture, we’re able to give our best advice.

The Observatory

Explore the latest insights and observations from the Verum team and other industry experts.

Protected: Changing Wealth Management Landscape

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
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Tax Planning vs. Tax Compliance

Understanding tax planning vs. tax compliance can make a significant difference in your financial strategy.
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Tax Landscape Ahead

Big tax changes are on the horizon as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is…
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We are a sophisticated yet approachable, fee-only wealth management firm that caters to individuals and families through a team-based, ensemble service model. Employee-owned, Verum seeks to improve the lives of others by raising the bar on the wealth management industry.